Sunday, 13 October 2013


Creation of Stress Clouds

Let us understand as to how the stress clouds are created in a building. Although there are several ways by which these clouds get created, but one of the most common is at the time of construction of the building. While constructing a building if the positive zones like the northeast sector are loaded first and then moving towards the southwest. As a result of this, the weakened northeast sector causes negative energy to take over the building. Later on, closure of the building by construction in south and west areas blocks up the excessive negative energy and creates a cloud. 

These energy fields can be noticed in two stages. Firstly problems begin to crop up at the construction stage itself like frequent stoppages of work, cost over runs, strained relationships between the builders and the owners, setbacks. At times there are accidents at the site causing harm to the people working there.

Another way of creation of stress clouds in a building is when a family inhabits it for a long time without any problem and one or other member of family gets attached to the house. In case of selling of this house for any reason, the reluctance of same member on leaving the house, the negative cloud formation is often seen. This normally happens in case of distress sale of residential or commercial building where the owner has developed sentimental feelings for the building. The same phenomenon could also surface where an older person suffers in disgrace, humiliation and dies. 

However, it needs to be mentioned that geopathic clouds are not created in case of a suicide, or violent/immediate death. As for formation of stress clouds continuous release of negative thoughts are required which may take several months to years. 

The geopathic stress created due to locked up negative field from these can be handled well by pyramadology i.e. placing of pyramids at appropriate locations for creation of positive energy field and neutralize the negative clouds. This is a very effective and safe measure as well as not very expensive one.

Illnesses Associated with Geopathic Stress

Some of the illnesses generally associated with Geopathic Stress include: Cancer, Heart Problems, Asthma, Cot Death, Motor Neuron, Various auto-immune diseases, Conception and Pregnancy Problems, Allergy to environmental pollution, food and drinks.

Anitta Sharma is a renowned Vastu Consultant, Numerologist, Past Life Regression Expert, and a Spiritual Healer. She has over the years through her vastu consultation helped hundreds of clients by making their units compatible to the cardinal principles of Vastu. This, coupled with Anitta’s accurate vastu shastra tips have been responsible for making clients life prosperous, happy and peaceful.

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