Thursday, 31 October 2013

Vastu Purusha Mandala

To appreciate the concept of Vastu Purush one must have the basic understanding of Vastu Purusha Mandala which is very crucial part of Vastu Shastra. Vastu Purusha Mandala is accurate and illustrative basis for designing any structure. It is also very basic architecture and all other figures are derived from this design. It is the abstract plan of any structure which broadly incorporates the coarsely bodies and mystical forces. Purusha stands for energy, power, celestial man. Mandala denotes any plan or chart representing universe. 

According to Vedas the surface of the earth is represented as a sphere and not as a flat surface. However in context of the earth as a home or resident it is represented as four-cornered in reference to the horizon's relationship with sunrise and sunset, the North and South direction. It is called four cornered and represented in the form of the Prithvi Mandala. 

Vastu Purush Mandala also helps in establishing the requirements of structural design with respect to various directions. Each direction has been allotted specific role. Entire body of Vastu Purush body is sanctified as he is the presiding holy being of any site whether big or small. He is depicted as lying on it with the head in the northeast and legs in the southwest but he keeps changing position throughout the year. Each part of his body has energies that help us in living a happy and peaceful life.

Energy originates from the center of any structure. There are various schools of thought which believe that it comes from the North East corner. But as a matter of fact it comes from the center of the structure i.e. also known as Brahmasthan. This energy is often known as subtle earth energy which meet subtle cosmic energy (Unified Field). It is known to meet in the center of the building which then spreads outward in all the directions of the structure. The coming together of these two energies results in forming of the five elements which then distribute in the four corner zones. 

Brahma occupies the Central Portion – The Brahmasthana and other Gods have been around in a concentric pattern. There are 45 Gods in all including 32 outer deities.

The main directions of any structure along with their deities have been given below for your easy understanding of the same.

Centre – Ruled by Brahma the Creator of the Universe, North – Ruled by Kubera the Lord of Wealth, South – Ruled by Yama the Lord of Death, East – Ruled by Indra the Solar Deity, West – Ruled by Varuna the Lord of Water, Northeast – Ruled by Lord Shiva, Southeast – Ruled by Agni the Fire Deity, Northwest – Ruled by Lord of Winds, Southwest – Ruled by Ancestors.

Anitta Sharma is a renowned Vastu Consultant, Numerologist, Past Life Regression Expert, and a Spiritual Healer. She has over the years through her vastu consultation helped hundreds of clients by making their units compatible to the cardinal principles of Vastu. This, coupled with Anitta’s accurate vastu shastra tips have been responsible for making clients life prosperous, happy and peaceful.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Geopathy is a Greek word. ’Geo’ evidently means ‘Earth’ (or Land). Pathos means suffering or ‘disease. The term Geopathic Stress exemplifies that there are vibrations originated from earth which are harmful for the living beings. This in other words can be described as ill effects of energy emitted by earth at certain locations. Geopathic stress can also be defined as study of energies of earth and their effect on human well-being. This is a comparatively new phrase that envelopes the relationship between the energies of the Mother Earth and its inhabitants well-being.

In modern times, people had lost complete interest in the knowledge of this kind of energy field. However, of late due to incessant increase in number of geopathic stress related diseases there has been renewed interest in the subject.

There are some schools of thought who also include sick building syndrome and/or EMF Pollution under the Geopathic Stress umbrella. Numerous studies and research have been carried out in various parts of the world have come to acknowledge the fact that geopathic stress results in creation of harmful atmosphere in a building. World Health Organization also recognizes the sick building syndrome and accepts the fact that inhabiting the sick building may cause sickness and poor health. 

The energies of earth also called vibrations rise upwards from their source within the earth and get deformed or twisted by weak electromagnetic fields caused by underground hollow spaces, profound water, certain types of minerals, and faulty lines. These underground formations emit specific electromagnetic fields which cause distortion of energies which can also be called as geopathic stress. The distorted energies i.e. geopathic stress become harmful for a human dwelling. 

Poor ventilation and quality of air were earlier thought to be the main reasons for illness of the inhabitants of certain buildings. It was later realised that even after removal of all possible defects the problems of sickness in buildings still remained. 

Basically, various underground formations, such as subterranean water currents, specific stones and/or mineral deposits, or different fault lines release specific electromagnetic fields that can be harmful for a human dwelling. If you just pass through an area with geopathic stress, you do not get affected. However, if your house is located in a geopathic stress area, you really need to understand it and try to find appropriate solutions to protect your health.

GS has been identified by many research and advance studies as the outcome of imbalance in the energy fields. It was found that this can cause harmful ambience in a dwelling or other units which in turn cause the sickness to the inhabitants of the buildings. Many western thinkers are of the view that electromagnetic spectrum with earth waves frequency can affect energy fields inside a structure which affect the health and happiness of individuals and can also cause unexplained diseases. 

Anitta Sharma is a renowned Vastu Consultant, Numerologist, Past Life Regression Expert, and a Spiritual Healer. She has over the years through her vastu consultation helped hundreds of clients by making their units compatible to the cardinal principles of Vastu. This, coupled with Anitta’s accurate vastu shastra tips have been responsible for making clients life prosperous, happy and peaceful.

Monday, 14 October 2013


Geopathic Stress (GS) is simply the study of earth energies and their effect on human well-being. As we all know that there are various types of earth energies, some helpful for human health, and others harmful.

Our mother nature has been very generous in building a certain amount of immunity against these energy fields just like every human being enjoys certain amount of immunity from bacteria’s and viruses. However, if the immunity system is weak then the geopathic stresses can cause ailments from simple fatigue to deadly cancer.

We have not pursued this subject, in the modern times; hence our knowledge in the field has been limited. As there is an increase in the number of GS related diseases there is renewed interest in the subject. The adverse effects of GS were proven beyond doubt by medical professionals more than 80 years ago and in numerous cases ever since. GS is the sole factor found to be associated with majority of grave and long lasting disease and psychological issues. It has been the unanimous opinion of the thousands of medical doctors and therapists that no treatment can be considered to be success without proper clearance of GS.

Unfortunately there are no instruments to measure the GS and one has to depend on various tools provided by Vastu, fengshui, dowsing to locate points of problems. In certain cases even after use of the tools the building continues to cause problems and here we have to check for the Geopathic stress. 

Common Indications of GS

It is important to remember that Geopathic Stress itself is not the cause of any illness; it weakens our immune system, therefore, our body becomes less capable of fighting against illnesses.

A. GS can cause some of the following illnesses which affect your health adversely: 

Anxiety, Loss of Appetite, Depression, Exhaustion, Nervousness, Avoiding going to bed, Insomnia, Nightmares, Sleep Walking, Improper Sleep Pattern, Tingling in the Arms/Legs, and Teeth Grinding.

B. GS can affect one or more of the following affects on you:

· Palpitation or increase in the pulse rate after spending some time in a building.

· Damp smell from any part of the building without any sings of dampness.

· Some part of the floor feels cold compared to the rest of the building.

· Bees come and start a hive.

· Ants or termites make a home

· Dogs bark at night with no apparent reason looking in direction at South or Southwest.

· Recurrent mishaps in a particular bathroom, stairs etc.

· Mishaps outside the building.

· Impossible to recover from an illness or depression. 

· Others living with you also feel uncomfortable about the home “atmosphere”? 

· Conditions may worsen during spring or autumn or wet stormy weather. 

· Cracks in the concrete walls or ceilings of home or the footpaths outside. 

Anitta Sharma is a renowned Vastu Consultant, Numerologist, Past Life Regression Expert, and a Spiritual Healer. She has over the years through her vastu consultation helped hundreds of clients by making their units compatible to the cardinal principles of Vastu. This, coupled with Anitta’s accurate vastu shastra tips have been responsible for making clients life prosperous, happy and peaceful. 

Sunday, 13 October 2013


Creation of Stress Clouds

Let us understand as to how the stress clouds are created in a building. Although there are several ways by which these clouds get created, but one of the most common is at the time of construction of the building. While constructing a building if the positive zones like the northeast sector are loaded first and then moving towards the southwest. As a result of this, the weakened northeast sector causes negative energy to take over the building. Later on, closure of the building by construction in south and west areas blocks up the excessive negative energy and creates a cloud. 

These energy fields can be noticed in two stages. Firstly problems begin to crop up at the construction stage itself like frequent stoppages of work, cost over runs, strained relationships between the builders and the owners, setbacks. At times there are accidents at the site causing harm to the people working there.

Another way of creation of stress clouds in a building is when a family inhabits it for a long time without any problem and one or other member of family gets attached to the house. In case of selling of this house for any reason, the reluctance of same member on leaving the house, the negative cloud formation is often seen. This normally happens in case of distress sale of residential or commercial building where the owner has developed sentimental feelings for the building. The same phenomenon could also surface where an older person suffers in disgrace, humiliation and dies. 

However, it needs to be mentioned that geopathic clouds are not created in case of a suicide, or violent/immediate death. As for formation of stress clouds continuous release of negative thoughts are required which may take several months to years. 

The geopathic stress created due to locked up negative field from these can be handled well by pyramadology i.e. placing of pyramids at appropriate locations for creation of positive energy field and neutralize the negative clouds. This is a very effective and safe measure as well as not very expensive one.

Illnesses Associated with Geopathic Stress

Some of the illnesses generally associated with Geopathic Stress include: Cancer, Heart Problems, Asthma, Cot Death, Motor Neuron, Various auto-immune diseases, Conception and Pregnancy Problems, Allergy to environmental pollution, food and drinks.

Anitta Sharma is a renowned Vastu Consultant, Numerologist, Past Life Regression Expert, and a Spiritual Healer. She has over the years through her vastu consultation helped hundreds of clients by making their units compatible to the cardinal principles of Vastu. This, coupled with Anitta’s accurate vastu shastra tips have been responsible for making clients life prosperous, happy and peaceful.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

An Introduction To Geopathic Stress

The work on geopathic stress was first started in 1920 by Winner and Melser in Germany. Later studies were conducted by Scientists in France as well. Geopathic stress can occur in any building irrespective of its usage. It can affect even plants and animals as well. 

Dr. Manfed Curry was the first to hypothesize that there is a grid network of electrically charged lines of natural origin which encompasses the globe. These lines flow from northeast to southwest and southeast to northwest at approximately 3 meters distance. Dr Curry hypothesized that where the lines cross, there is a double positive or a double negative energy which can disturb the balance in a human body. 

Dr. Hartman of Germany discovered another kind of flow of energy lines which were running from north to south and east to west. These are called as the Hartman lines and again the study show that intersection points are dangerous for human health. Dr. E. Hartman MD is convinced after treating thousands of cancer patients over several decades in practice that Cancer is a disease of Location caused by Geopathic Stress.

Geopathic practitioners also believe that it is possible for negative energy to exist as a cloud and inadvertently it can move into a building where it is trapped. GS is not a scientifically measurable phenomenon, because we have not yet been able to develop any instrument that has the capability and sensitivity required for measuring GS vibrations. However, several methods of GS detection in human beings are available, such as Blood Crystalline Analysis, Electro-Acupuncture and the VEGA Test. The same tests can also be used to check for clearance of GS.

Geopathic stress blemishes our brain signals for controlling our body to enable it to function correctly at all times. This causes malfunctioning of our cells, glands and organs which in turn can weaken immune system leading to unexplainable pains and diseases. This is one of the main factors found to be associated with majority of serious and long lasting ailments and psychological issues. 

The vibrations emitted by various earth energies do not themselves cause a specific illness, but directly lowers a person's immunity to fight diseases. For instance, if your bed is placed above underground water current, your body will only be involved in trying hard to keep its basic balance. It will not have enough energy left to focus on regenerating and replenishing itself. 

In 1952 Professor Shumann discovered waves which have the same frequency as the brain waves and it is believed that these waves which occur on the surface of the earth and oscillate between the earth and the ionosphere regulate the human body mechanism.

Anitta Sharma is a renowned Vastu Consultant, Numerologist, Past Life Regression Expert, and a Spiritual Healer. She has over the years through her vastu consultation helped hundreds of clients by making their units compatible to the cardinal principles of Vastu. This, coupled with Anitta’s accurate vastu shastra tips have been responsible for making clients life prosperous, happy and peaceful.